Why is the Pyramid one of the "7 Wonders"?

There is no official Guinness book of world records for listing the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, but everywhere the list has been complied, starting with Anitpater of Sidon in the second century B.C., the Great Pyramid is near the top of the list.

The Pyramid is taller than the Pharos lighthouse, more famous than the now-defunct Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, rightly understood a greater temple than that of Artemis (Diana) at Ephesus, more colossal than the 200 foot statue of the sun god Helios, the Colossus of Rhodes, or the 40 foot statue of Zeus on Mt. Olympus, and contains more secrets than the mystery of how the Hanging Gardens of Babylon were watered.(When Saddam Hussein was rebuilding the Hanging Gardens he offered a reward for anyone who could explain how the gardens were watered.)

Though Eratosthenes is credited with being the first to measure the circumference of the earth, he was not the first, nor was Pythagoras the originator of the theorem associated with his name. Mercator was not the first to make accurate projects of spherical reality. The Pyramid reveals the knowledge of these measurements thousands of years before their "discovery." The Pyramid reveals a working knowledge of the functions pi and phi, the Fibonacci series, and a science of mensuration based on an earth-commensurate foot and cubit. Julian Gray even insists that the speed of light is encased in the stones of the Great Pyramid, to a more accurate figure than modern science has calculated it.

The Pyramid reveals the date of Messiah's birth, the history of Christianity before it unfolded and shines a light into the future of the planet is seems to understand so well.  

Of wonders of the world, the Great Pyramid is number one!